I want you to be able to
step away from
controlling diets
and toward a more balanced way of eating. Normalizing your eating habits by listening to what your body needs can bring you emotional peace and physical satisfaction, and help repair your relationship with food by putting the responsibility for your choices squarely in your own hands.

If you let it, diet culture will take away your power when it comes to food. It will convince you that your body can’t be trusted, and that you’re incapable of managing your eating on your own…there’s big money to be made in convincing you to give over your power in order to be a loyal, lifetime follower.
from Good Food, Bad Diet
Kind Words
Whatever your goal is, you need to do it for you. No matter what your size is, if you like the way you look, then everyone else can piss off. People who look at you funny or make ugly comments about your weight are projecting their shit onto you. Don’t let them get away with it by submitting to their shaming.
from Good Food, Bad Diet